Our Name, 'Love Undiminished'
Because it speaks to the resilience and tenacity of love.
To the miracles and blessings that love provides when it's most needed.
The first spring we were in our house, I was amazed to learn that flowering trees in the midwest bloomed before any leaves appeared. My jaw dropped when I saw these very special white blossoms on a tree in our backyard. Having grown up in the desert, I had never seen anything like these flat, cross-like flowers that seemed to float in the air like lace blowing in the breeze. I soon learned that the meaning of the dogwood blossom was "love undiminished by adversity." Over the years, this tree blooming when barely recovering from winter became a yearly reminder that love really isn't diminished by adversity. Through life's challenges, the tree keeps blooming, more profusely every year.
The same way love is strengthened, not diminished, by adversity.
The dogwood tree and blossoms are also said to have some connection to the crucified and risen Jesus.
The ultimate example of love undiminished.
I've photographed this tree many times over the years, and have produced a variety of images. It's time for me to put these photographs to good use and support two causes that show undiminished love in action. The Alzheimer's Association not only funds research to get us closer to ending this heartbreaking disease, but they provide support for the family members who do the caregiving. A beautiful act of love in the face of adversity. It's my hope that these photographs can help the Alzheimer's Association continue to show these families the undiminished love and care they give to their loved ones. I also support Covenant House for the same reason. It's a wonderful charity that shows love to people at the beginning of their lives: providing care and shelter for homeless kids; showing undiminished love that can change their lives.